June 19, 2014

Moving Forward

    Still chugging along between projects and the FD. Starting to get to that point where I just want to work on this thing and nothing else. Can't let that happen lol, the key to staying fresh on a long term build like this is to not consume yourself with it. Hard to do when there's so much to be done, but its all in good fun.

     My good friend over at JER loves to entertain me with all of his awesome successes that are his hoard of classic Japanese muscle cars. Hit the link to see what I'm talking about. So I on occasion visit him for no reason at all, It turns out my latest visit was much needed in the further progress of my FD. My buddy has an FD of his own which is how we became friends in the first place, In front of what use to be Super AutoBacs in Stanton CA now an empty building of memories. Anyway we talked for a while and it turns out he had a project motor that came out of a chopped FD from Japan that he was not going to use. So......I bought it and sat in my garage for when the day comes for me to get to work on it.
So after walking around his shop I found a set of wheels I had been drooling over for a while so yeah still trying to work this one out lol. In the mean time.....test fit!